Top Benefits Of Yoga



As zen advocators, we know the importance of taking time out, which is why we hand crafted our yoga holidays led by the award winning MOONSyoga. Check out just some of the advantages of yoga below, as explained by Sinead from MOONSyoga.

Yoga is a way of living


“To live with more ease. To feel life flow a little easier. To breathe more fully & calmly into the unknown, into the challenges. To experience a greater sense of connectedness & belonging. To cultivate more awareness in my life, more confidence in knowing & loving who I am. Yoga is a way of living. Not to go straight into the deep end and scare anyone off because there is still merit in powering through a 90min sweaty hot yoga session to distract yourself & burn calories but… Yoga is a practice cultivated on the mat, for our lives off the mat.

Yoga is a great form of exercise


Yoga can improve flexibility, balance and build full-body strength. It also helps to increase blood flow, boost metabolism and improve your posture. 

Yoga can help with stress


Everyday I get people contacting me overwrought with anxiety, experiencing disordered life, relationships, eating patterns or so affected by stress that they simply cannot cope with the basic demands of everyday life. In a world that is moving at an increasingly rapid pace, many of us are experiencing these symptoms but the glorious news is … we are waking up to the fact that we can do something about it! We know that the powerful combination of mental and physical practice is the key to living a happier and healthier life. The penny has finally dropped that we can’t survive a stress free life but we can armour up with the coping mechanisms and healing methods we need to thrive. We can turn this negativity into a beautiful catalyst for change – a tipping point where we know there has to be a better way to spend our precious lives, and we really want it! 

Yoga is mindful


Yoga is not about touching your toes, it really is about what you learn on the way down. People contact me all the time nervous about starting but it’s a practice, something you consistently work on & slowly build – there are no goals. No one hits the mat for the first time doing the perfect downward dog & why would you want to, that is missing the point! Enjoy the delicious slow process of exploring your body & mind, as it’s a constantly changing landscape anyway (hello; injury, age, etc). Showing up on your mat is an opportunity to connect into yourself, escape home to yourself and work on making that home somewhere you love to be! It’s a chance to use that connection to cultivate an awareness with how you are thinking, reacting, breathing, moving which can then be carried out into your everyday life. This is living Yoga.  

Yoga has different styles


Also, I always say to try a few classes before making the decision whether it’s for you or not. Each teacher brings a distinct flavour so make sure you sample a few different styles & approaches. Yoga Classes/ Yoga Styles/ Yoga Studios/ Yoga Teachers are all like different flavours of ice-cream and trust me, when you find the flavour that nourishes your soul – you will never be ‘too busy’ to miss the class (oh yeah, we are all guilty of that old’ chestnut!).” 

Yoga is open to everyone


Whether you’re a beginner or an expert yogi, the advantages of  yoga is that everyone can join the same class. Usually a yoga instructor will offer variations of poses to suit your ability, so you can flow at your own pace. Check out our blog post, where fashion stylist Cathy O'Connor experienced her first TD active yoga holiday in Portugal

Yoga is a community


Yoga is a great way to connect with other like-minded people. There is definitely a synergy of energy during a group yoga session when we move and breathe together. 

Yoga can be done anywhere


Although there are so many beautiful offerings around Ireland and the UK, we can truly say escaping on our holidays lets you truly immerse in the experience. With an enviably warm climate, heavenly beaches and stunning scenery, Croatia is the ideal backdrop for a relaxing and reviving yoga escape. The landscape around Sagres is wild and rugged and gives way to stretches of beautiful sandy beaches and crashing surf. As long as you have a yoga mat, you can practice anywhere and  feel the energy flowing from tip to toe. 

Discover the perfect blend of tranquillity and movement; treat yourself to one of our amazing yoga holidays in Croatia or Portugal. Immerse yourself in serenity, calm the soul, surround yourself with nature and explore a new part of the world all while giving yourself the space to focus on your Yoga practice. A yoga escape is perfect for anyone looking to stay healthy and active on holiday, but want ample time to rest and unwind too. 

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